Participate in the implementation of the new cultural lottery, the National Arts Lottery. High profit for you and the arts!
The objective foundation "The National Arts Lottery
- To promote the visual arts and other art & culture in the broadest sense of the word.
- The emancipation of the people in the arts & culture.
- The promotion of public art collections.
Our Mission: Artists do their work.
We do not close our eyes for dreams, enthusiasm and creativity ...
The National Arts Lottery holds mundane things beautiful The National Arts Lottery takes art vital. Indeed art is daily bread. Namely art feeds the imagination, which in turn leads to innovation and growth. Just as physical food the body regenerates this art to mind, our imagination.
For the outside world, you show that you support beauty and optimism. In fact you feel responsible. That's why you buy a lottery ticket. The National Arts Lottery promises to prevent impoverishment by ensuring that everyday still a bit nice. Salt on the food as it were. We do this by optimistic, accessible, and conditions to be creative and standard bearer for the arts sector.
That's why the National Lottery Art aims to make art consumption grow by winning a wide range of art or obtain a discount (activities).
Realization and Implementation
"Because wealth is not only money is to express"
Unique concept
- Participants in the lottery support the arts & culture, and in addition of a probability to win big money prize also art prizes of your choice.
- supplied by the sponsored prizes or financed by the beneficiary institutions created together with the participants in the lottery a great 'win win' situation.
- Artists do their jobs
- People who could not otherwise afford, can come into contact with art.
- The concept of many additional sponsored prices The National Art Lottery is the highest paying charity lottery in the Netherlands.